I have specialized in trading collectibles and other rare hard-to-value assets for over 4 years. During this time, I’ve learned the art of negotiation and making deals in a familiar market. I spent a lot of time studying potential clients’ inventories, how they spend money and buy things. And I have been doing that with the goal of targeting them to take on a bunch of highly profitable deals. It often requires good social skills, a deep understanding of the market, and strong negotiation ability.
I managed to transact around $425,000 in items, crypto and cash between Q1 2014 and Q2 2018.
Example trade: Asset Bundle to 141 EUR Trade 27.05.2022 (UNCUT)
May 27, 2022. CSGO Skin bundle in exchange for 141 EUR. Shorter trade session than the rest.
Example Trade: World No. 1 Rank Float Sale for 240 USD 24.07.2022 (UNCUT)
July 24, 2022. World’s #1 lowest float Bizon Chemical Green sold for $240 cash. ~90% profit margin from an old 2016 investment.
Example trade: From a virtual item to $1850 BTC 29.8.2019 (UNCUT)
August 29, 2019. AUG CSGO Skin in exchange for $1850 (XBT). Profit made: ~$1150 Investment dates back to Q4 2015.
Be advised; mild language and slight cringeworthiness.
Example trade: Live ~$90 BTC Trade 26.10.2020 (Discussion Included)
October 26, 2020. Extensive discussion included and the video was minimally edited. CSGO Skin in exchange for around $90. Profit made: ~$50 Investment dates back to Q2 2017.
Snippet from the records. (Click to expand)
Here you can see a part of my transaction record showing a typical flow, cashing into commodities (keys in this case) followed by a series of cash sales leading to a profit.
Long term investments take a while and often carry a higher risk and reward. The August 24th sale here comprises of items dating back to the same investment as that the item sold years later in the above video. The investment yielded lower profit margins, however.
AWP skin investment (Q4 2015): $1000
AK skin (Q4 2015): $550
Return on both (August 24th, 2017): ~$2000
AUG skin investment (Q4 2015): $700
Return on AUG (August 29th, 2019): $1850
I was the Head Administrator of the EMEA Division at Alias Server Network